︎ Art Direction
︎ Design System
︎ Publication
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︎︎︎ www.noblehome.com
︎︎︎ Nobel Development
︎ Art Direction
︎ Design System
︎ Publication
More Information
︎︎︎ www.noblehome.com
︎︎︎ Nobel Development
Current Currents
The pandemic has plunged everyone into an unpredictable and uncertain reality. Life after COVID-19 is never the same in every aspect of life. This exhibition focuses on the perception of ‘nowness’— addressing how we manage our lives when life is beyond our control. How we navigate the present to nurture our lives both in reality and our aspirations is a critical consideration and ensure that everything progresses harmoniously together?
"Current Currents" is an art showcase featuring 13 emerging artists, offering a personal space as a limitless expression of their 'nowness' in response to these changes, beliefs, balance, and perception, then communicates them in their unique way.
This is not just an exhibition, but also includes workshops and an art market, creating a creative hub accessible to all—not just artists, designers, or those in the creative field.The exhibition was held at noble PLAY | Inspiration Playground. From March 16 to May 14, 2023.
This project was undertaken under the direction of Nuttpong Daovichitr, the curator and design director. The project involved translating the concept design and master logo into art direction and other communication designs for the exhibition and promotional assets.